Consultation Services

Therapeutic Consultation Services are provided through the Virginia Medicaid Waiver program. This service offers assessments, development of a therapeutic consultation plan, and teaching in any of the following specialty areas to assist family members, caregivers, and other service providers in helping the individual enrolled in the waiver. Hansel Union Consulting’s specialty areas are behavioral consultation services, therapeutic recreation, speech and language pathology, and occupational therapy. Therapeutic consultation services are provided through telehealth in individuals’ home, day support, work environment, and appropriate community settings.
Therapeutic Consultation Services help prevent or decrease hospital admissions by incorporating therapeutic and medical disciplines under one roof. Wrap-around services include behavior, occupational, speech, and recreational therapy. The clinical staffing team reviews each client record to determine which therapeutic services may benefit the person. For example, Robert is referred to Hansel Union Consulting, PLLC, for therapeutic consultation services. Robert is 22-year-old with a diagnosis of moderate intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, and communication deficits. It is noted that Robert has recently left the school-age programs and is now receiving residential services. He is exhibiting aggressive behaviors towards caregivers, emotional outbursts, and self-injury. The team determines Robert needs behavior services to help distinguish inappropriate behaviors, occupational therapy to assess the home environment for ADL or IADL to help Robert with independence, speech therapy to evaluate for functional communication to aid in expressing his needs and wants, and recreational therapy to help Robert find his way in the adult work for social skills and increase leisure and recreational activities. Hansel Union Consulting contributes to our success by providing upfront intensive wrap-around services to preventing and decreasing hospital admissions.